On the celebratory heels of welcoming twins, outdoorsy Anheuser-Busch heir Billy Busch Jr., who oversees the hunting and outdoor gear concern Geist, and his professional surfer wife, Kirra (Seale) Busch, have hoisted their fashionably updated 1960s home in Malibu on the market at $4.45 million.
Technically, the property was acquired in August of 2020 for not quite $2.7 million by a family trust controlled by Busch Jr.’s father, William K. Busch, aka Billy Busch Sr. Both Junior and Senior Busches starred in the 2020 MTV reality series The Busch Family Brewed.
Discreetly set below the street on a downward sloping, quarter-acre parcel with a sweeping, over-the-treetops view of the Pacific Ocean, the flat-roofed residence was built in 1962 in the foothills above County Line Beach at the border between Los Angeles and Ventura counties. The single-story home has recently undergone a sleek transformation to include high-end finishes, wide-plank honey-toned oak floors, and dark-framed windows.
Dark-framed glass sliders in the dining area frame sweeping views of the ocean.
Alexis Adam
Beyond the gated courtyard entrance and the smooth stucco exterior, the front door opens directly into the 1,909-square-foot home’s open-plan great room. At one end of the angled space, huge glass sliders connect the living room to the terraced backyard and swimming pool. At the opposite end, a dining area with a built-in dining banquette has glass sliders to an ocean view deck.
In between the living and dining areas is a huge kitchen centered around a long work island with an integrated snack bar and a marble countertop that waterfalls off the ends. A full-height bank of black-lacquered cabinets holds an induction range, double ovens, and the fridge, while a row of windows alongside the sink opens accordion style to an alfresco serving bar for outdoor dining and entertaining.
Among the three bedrooms and two baths is the primary suite, where two walls of glass sliders open the sunny bedroom to a wraparound deck and the swimming pool. There’s also a fitted walk-in closet and a spacious bathroom.
Lush plantings envelope and privatize the terraced backyard.
Alexis Adam
Outside, dark decking bordered by plumes of flowering shrubbery meanders along the backside of the house, while a small container pool includes a window for checking out the view of the ocean while swimming underwater. A long stairway leads down the terraced slope from the house to a courtyard patio with a fire pit.
Being at the far western end of Malibu, the house is about 30 miles and, on a good day, a solid 45-minute drive to the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. However, it’s a much shorter distance to Nobu Malibu and an even lesser distance to the Trancas Country Mart. Perhaps best yet, it’s just up the hill from some of Malibu’s best surfing spots as well as Neptune’s Net, the 1950s gas station turned legendary seafood restaurant that’s been featured in countless films and TV shows, including the 1983 Tom Cruise film Losin’ It and Vanderpump Rules (it’s where Jax Taylor proposed to Brittany Cartwright during season seven of the wildly popular reality series).
The listing is held by Sean Matthews at Compass.
Click here for more photos of Billy Busch Jr.’s Malibu home.
Alexis Adam
Source: Luxury - robbreport.com